Tag Archive | canal trece

Rant of the week: ShowMatch

This week I am angry. To be more specific, this week I am an angry feminist. If you live in Argentina, then you must know that there is really one television show that everyone watches, and all of the other shows that are broadcasted rotate around this one show. The show is ShowMatch, I know, you can tell the sort of quality the content is just by the name. And the other shows that discuss the events of ShowMatch have equally impressive names: Este es el Show, La Cocina del Show, you get my point. ShowMatch has this sort of magical quality that highlights the best machista qualities of Argentina. Basically it is a sort of “Dancing with the Stars” but with terrible dancing, a lot of exaggerated and forced gossip and naked women. It’s a man’s paradise I suppose, for men who like gossip and constant bitching.

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